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Michael Dunlavy

About Us

Meet Mike

My career has spanned over twenty years in the Los Angeles fitness industry.
I spent time as the Fitness Director of The Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno’s Ferrigno Fit. During this time I created and taught the 12 week DVD series Incredibly Fit. I’ve studied and trained through many different fitness disciplines over the years from-personal trainer, to kickboxing and yoga instructor, to pilates teacher, to corrective exercise and movement specialist, to CrossFit level 1 coach – I’ve learned and experienced a lot of health and fitness! One common aspect often lacking in all disciplines of fitness, is a very specific focus on the fundamentals of the human body’s natural intended movement patterns and efficiency. Once this is taught and trained, the body will pleasantly surprise you with what it is capable of doing or re establishing at any age! But if not focused on, along with age, gravity, and our “sitting culture”, imbalances and dysfunction will rein over your movements no matter what type of physical activity you participate in.

This is why I developed Metamorphosis! And there is a reason why I use the Pilates tower reformer at the heart of the foundational movement practice-

Pilates on the tower reformer will :

    • Help return your body towards its natural alignment
    • Increase mobility and flexibility while simultaneously creating strength within your new range of motion
    • Enhance coordination and balance
    • Full body toning
    • Create complete core control and strength
    • Great tool for uncovering and correcting imbalances and dysfunction in the body

But at Metamorphosis that’s just where we begin!

    • From there we add in functional movement pattern training (squats, hip hinging, overhead pressing, and  overall shoulder mobility and health)
    • We’ll then add resistance to strengthen these movements and tone your body
    • We’ll spend time working on hip mobility
    • Lots of rotational work will be emphasized 
    • And along the way we’ll do soft tissue to relieve any discomfort or dysfunction in the muscles. Freeing up your tissue to move unrestricted as nature intended.


come take your body through the

M  E  T  A  M  O  R  P  H  O  S  I  S 


release | REset | Restart


15 + 14 =

Contact Information

815 Crocker Road | Unit 4 | Westlake, Ohio

Call: (310) 721-5175
Email: [email protected]